Glasgow publicans that serve drunk customers will be targeted as part of a new police and council initiative that will kick in on 1st October. It’s objective is to combat the city’s alcohol issues. The measures were revealed earlier this month by Councillor Gordon Matheson, Leader of Glasgow City Council, and Strathclyde Police Chief Constable Stephen House. A Joint Action Group on Alcohol established in June, looked at initiatives that could be implemented to tackle problems associated with underage drinking, binge drinking, problematic drinking and noisy or antisocial parties. The new measures are the result.
They also include a ‘Dedicated alcohol task force’ to carry out enforcement operations across the city, which will target rogue or problematic premises. Permission for a Chill out hour – at selected premises between 0300 and 0400 on Fridays and Saturday nights where hot fast food and soft drinks can be sold to patrons in a quieter, calmer atmosphere. Water can be provided, but no alcohol. An ‘SOS Bus’ – a location for first aid; access to pastoral care from Street Pastors; a point of reference for lost people; and temporary accommodation for those who have consumed too much alcohol and are in need of shelter.
Test purchase operations – an increase in such operations in both off and on sales premises in which underage people, under the supervision of the Alcohol Task Force, attempt to buy alcohol. And the setting up of a ‘New multi-agency intelligence group’ to share information about problem premises, retailers or people.
Chief Constable Stephen House said, “This is not us going to war with the licensed trade. I have said time and time again that the pubs and clubs in this city are, in the main, well run, safe places to go. I am sure that the licensed trade will welcome the measures that we are announcing today. They will recognise that what we are trying to do is work with those who act responsibly and punish those who don’t.”
A joint enforcement team will carry out a period of information sharing, training and warnings for the licensed trade in September 2011 before enforcement begins on October 1.