Pistonhead ‘Crude Oil’, described by distributor Proof Drinks as “Tough, Strong and Unrefined!”, is a 30% ABV liquorice liqueur, drunk as a shot, and infused with a bit of chilli. Crude Oil is produced by Spendrups, Sweden’s largest brewery and is crafted in the ‘Brutal Brewery’ workshop. Leif, one of the company’s Master Brewers, created Crude Oil in his kitchen! Pistonhead launched in Sweden in 2010 and received a phenomenal response, with record sales in the first year and now it has been launched in the UK. Pistonhead’s launch in the UK is following the same successful format as in Sweden, targeting ‘attitude tribes’. The brand’s campaign includes supporting touring bands, club nights and strong social networking presence, essentially the modern way to word of mouth. Proof Drinks have seeded the drink in some of the UK’s most respected live music venues, including the iconic King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut in Glasgow.