Innis & Gunn launch lager into on-trade

Dougal Sharp Innis Gunn Lager

Innis & Gunn has celebrated its 10th birthday by launching an unoaked lager in the on-trade. Available on draught  Innis & Gunn Lager (4.6% ABV) uses native British ingredients with some Innis & Gunn flourishes.  It’s the first time the independent brewer has launched an unoaked beer under its umbrella brand, and will be the first release in a series of craft-brewed products intended by the company.

Dougal Sharp, founder and master brewer at Innis & Gunn, comments, “Innis & Gunn beers are pretty complex characters that most people like to take time to get to know.  They’re not light sessionable beers so I wanted to give our consumers a refreshing but flavourful lager that would deliver a really rewarding taste experience in the same way they’ve grown to expect through our oak-aged beers.”

Innis & Gunn Lager will initially be sold in 50 litre kegs and, from September/October, it will be available to the on and off-trade in bottles.  Enquiries should be made to or Tel: 0131 220 7230.


Category: News
Tags: Dougal Sharp, draught lager, Innis & Gunn lager, Lager, On-trade, Scottish, unoaked lager