The licensed trade is a love machine

The licensed trade is crucial for love according to new research. In a report titled ‘The Pub of the Future’ research highlighted the importance of the licensed trade as a location for meeting partners. A total of 49% of people met their future partners in licensed trade premises – 10% of folk met their partner in a bar, 26% in a pub and 13% in a club.
The survey which sampled 2,042 UK consumers via an online questionnaire in July 2013 was commissioned by Casio BSD and carried out by research company Censuswide. But it didn’t just cover the love angle. Customers were also asked their biggest peeves – and the top peeve was rude or under attentive staff at 80%, closely followed by slow service 78%.
See DRAM online at for the full report.

Category: Uncategorized archive
Tags: Bar, Casio BSD, club, future of the pub, love, online, Pub