Plastic glass proposals binned by Highland Council

PROPOSALS to implement a mandatory ban on glass drinking vessels after 9pm in the Highlands have been dropped.

That means bars and clubs in places like Inverness city centre will not have to sell drinks in plastic containers after that time.

The Highland licensing board voted to scrap the proposals forcing late night operators to use plastic ‘glasses’, despite previously agreeing a blanket introduction.

The previous decision to do so was met with angry reactions from traders and the public, forcing the local authority to re-think proposals. At a recent meeting a decision was taken to scrap the plans.

Instead they are expected to vote through a policy where venues that have been reported to the licensing board by Police will be required to use plastic ‘glasses’.

This will come into play in November, when the board’s new policy statement comes in to force.

At last month’s meeting, it was also agreed to amend the board’s policy on trading hours from November.

Premises across the Highlands will be able to apply for extended hours on a Sunday. That would allow them to open an hour earlier, at 11am and close an hour later, at 1am.

Category: Bar & Pub, News