Paperino’s Stefano Giovanazzi Opens Caffè Parma

paperinos exterior

Stefano Giovanazzi, the founder of Paperino’s, one of Glasgow’s most popular family run Italian restaurants, will open his latest culinary venture, Caffè Parma, at the Western Tennis Club on Hyndland Road, this month.

It’s the first solo venture for the restaurateur, who joined his family business, more than 25 years ago.

Says Stefano, “Caffè Parma’s menu will reflect my own passion for Italian cuisine and fish, blending locally-sourced ingredients with traditional recipes to create a light, refreshing dining experience that brings something a little different to the West End.”

The new restaurant is situtuated in a completely new building. Stefano told DRAM, “The Western Tennis Club has built the restaurant, and I have collaborated with them on the spec, and I am leasing the building from them. It will be open to non-members and members alike.”

The restaurant has 55 covers and a large outdoor seating area overlooking the tennis courts, Stefano is hoping his regular customers will make their way from Byres Road to Hyndland. Paperino’s is now closed and is set to become a Pizza Express.

Category: News, Restaurant
Tags: Caffè Parma, Glasgow, paperino's, Stefano Giovanazzi