The British Hospitality Association has called for a new law on tipping and service charges in bars and restaurants. According to the BHA, hospitality representatives should be legally obligated to inform customers of how their service charge and tip is distributed among staff members.
The BHA represents approximately 40,000 hospitality organisations in the UK, and has requested that the government issue a law which will reveal exactly what the extra payments that customers make are used for, ultimately putting an end to any confusion on the matter for customers.
The BHA revealed its stance in a letter following The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills intention to hold an inquiry in how cash and non-cash tips, gratuities, cover and service charges are collected and how much employers deduct from their employees.
The inquiry does not only cover the hospitality sector but goes much wider, extending to other industries where tipping is prevalent, such as hairdressing and casinos. The deadline for responses is 10 November.