Mario Gizzi and Tony Conetta open new Atlantic Bar and Brasserie

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Mario Gizzi and Tony Conetta have opened their new Atlantic Bar and Brasserie, in the lower ground floor of their Anchorline premises on St Vincent Place in Glasgow. The newest addition to the DRG family, is named after The Atlantic, which was the French restaurant that The Anchor Line Shipping Company created for the 1938 Empire Exhibition in Bellahouston Park.

The glamorous bar and brasserie offers French food plus a full rotisserie.  Meanwhile in December the enterprising duo will also open Tutto Matto in Edinburgh’s Nicolson Street. The new trendy pizza restaurant will offer a range of traditional pizza’s and a variety of pizza’s inspired by different countries, 32 in total.

The news comes following the sale of Pinto to Barburrito, the Mexican street- food operation that the two backed with Paul Sloan and Calum MacLachlainn.