New Voluntary Code for Tied Pubs

Code of Practice Scotland 1

A new Code of Practice for tied tenants in Scotland has been introduced by the Scottish Beer and Pub Association (SBPA), which aims to safeguard tied pubs across the country. The code replaces the UK Industry Framework and any previous individual company codes, to allow a more Scottish-specific expert representation.

logoThis Scottish code will serve as a mandatory code of practice for pub-owning businesses, which allows for protection of tied pub tenants and access to low-cost dispute resolution procedures. It is backed by pub companies including

Admiral Taverns Limited, Belhaven/Greene King plc, Hawthorn Leisure Limited

Punch Taverns plc, Star Pubs & Bars/HEINEKEN UK Limited and Trust Inns Limited

It sets standards for landlord companies regarding the interaction with tied tenants throughout the life of the relationship.
This mandate will come in to practice at the same time as the English and Welsh Statutory Code and will cover approximately 700 out of the 900 tied pubs in Scotland.

It is hoped that, with immense pressure currently on small businesses in Scotland, this new code can only to help improve investment in the industry and the local economy.

Commenting, SBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds said, “This Code is a landmark for Scottish tied pubs, setting out protections for tenants, and is the first designed specifically for Scotland. This code takes into account the unique nature of the Scottish tied pub trade, providing the best balance of what works for pubs in Scotland, whilst also protecting much needed investment in both the pub sector and local economies across the country.”

She continues,  “The announcement of this Code is a further sign of the industry’s determination to work alongside a range of stakeholders through self-regulation, in order to continue to promote a healthy pub sector that is vital to Scotland. The Code ensures this will be done in a responsible, joined-up way, supported by significant capital investment across the country.”

A full copy of the new Code of Practice and the companies who are signatories to it can be found at:

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