An ambitious project to turn an iconic building on the banks of the River Clyde into a whisky distillery and visitor centre is now in full swing.
Work on the £10.5 million project to transform the Pump House – located between the Riverside Museum and the Hydro Arena – will continue until its planned opening in Autumn 2017.
The distillery, which will celebrate how the whisky trade has historically shaped both the city and Scotland, is being led by Tim Morrison – formerly of Morrison Bowmore Distillers and current head of the AD Rattray Scotch Whisky Company.
He said, “Our vision to build a whisky distillery on the banks of the Clyde, first conceived many years ago, is now set to become a reality. Work has started on site and our first batch of spirit should be flowing before the end of next year”
He added, “The city was once home to many whisky distilleries and we think The Clydeside Distillery will put Glasgow right back on the Scotch whisky map.”
The project is a personal one for those involved, as Morrison and Commercial Director Andrew Morrison both have relatives who originally helped build the Pump House back in 1877.
Morrison added, “It gives me great pleasure, to now have the opportunity to bring the building back to life, restore it to its former glory and give the building and the surrounding area the respect and status it deserves.”
The Clydeside Distillery, owned by Morrison Glasgow Distillers Ltd, will create up to 25 jobs when it becomes fully operational in the autumn of 2017.
It is hoped the site will attract 65,000 visitors a year, thanks to its shop, restaurant, whisky tours and tasting experiences.