Michelin star chef, Felice Sgarra, will be resident at Eusebi Deli on Glasgow’s Park Road on Wednesday 21st November as part of ‘World Week of Italian Cuisine’. He will create a one-off tasting menu inspired by the Andriese region of Italy.
The ‘Settimana Della Cucina’ campaign of Italian food and culture runs from the 19th to the 25th of November, the aim of which is to reinforce the importance of quality ingredients by educating food lovers on how to identify and appreciate authentic Italian products and dishes.
The event at Eusebi has been created in conjunction with the Italian Cultural Institute, the Italian Consulate General, The Extraordinary Italian Taste and the Italian Chamber of Commerce. The restaurant welcomes Italian culinary experts to share their passion and knowledge with diners.
The evening also includes a complimentary talk and tasting of wines and oils from the Castel Del Monte area of Italy from Antonio Caputo and Maria Teresa Pellegrino, highly regarded experts in agriculture and produce from the region, who will guide guests through the presentation to explain how these products are grown, harvested and processed.
For more information visit the bar’s website.