Belhaven Pub Partners has written to all of its 120 tied tenants in Scotland to confirm that any pubs located in level two, three or four areas will continue to receive a 90% rent concession, which will be reviewed every four weeks.
The total financial support by Belhaven for its tied pubs tenants is estimated to reach around £3m at year end based on current support levels, an average of £25,000 per pub since the Covid-19 pandemic closed the nation’s pubs in March.
While pubs can open in level two and level three areas, the fact they face limits on the sale of alcohol and earlier closing times continues to make trading difficult and the discount on rents aims to help keep the businesses viable.
Tied pubs operating in level one or level zero areas will continue to receive previously agreed rent discounts of 45% until 21 November and then 40% until Boxing Day.
Belhaven Pub Partners managing director Wayne Shurvinton said, “We remain determined to stand shoulder to shoulder with our partners and offering rent discounts of 90% to those facing significant trading restrictions will help provide invaluable support at this time.
“The hospitality industry continues to face significant pressures and restrictions on trade, which comes after spending millions of pounds on making sure customers can continue to socialise in a safe and regulated environment.
“We continue to do our bit to protect our teams and partners as best as we can so we can weather this storm together and hopefully be in the strongest position possible to recover our businesses in the future.”
Tied pubs in Scotland were receiving 90% rent discounts from Belhaven when they reopened in July and for four weeks after. Rent discounts were at 50% in early October before rising to 90% again when all pubs were either closed or faced heavy trading restrictions during the circuit breaker for the rest of October and into November.
Continuing the 90% rent discount for the majority of pubs now, even when they have reopened, is in recognition of the tough winter trading months facing all hospitality businesses currently. The 90% rent concession will continue to be reviewed every four weeks to take into account the changing situation.
All tied pubs that are open and able to purchase alcohol are also receiving a discount on containers of beer and cider purchased through Belhaven, which runs until 27 March 2021, with tied partners receiving a trade credit of £35 per barrel.