Aberdeenshire Licensing Board launches online survey for Licensing Policy


The Aberdeenshire Licensing Board is reviewing its Statement of Licensing Policy and are asking licensees to get involved and respond to the consultation which closes on 1 September by responding to their survey. This is the next stage of their policy review which began at the end of last year with an initial round of engagement.

The Board say that the survey “examines some of the main issues that the Licensing Board have identified but we are open to hearing what other issues there are, and if there is evidence to support change, in other areas too.”

They are focusing on the opening hours for licensed premises and whether there is over-provision of alcohol outlets in Aberdeenshire as well as considering occasional licensing, end of aisle displays and conditions that licensed premises need to comply with.

The survey, which was launched yesterday, can be found here.


Category: News
Tags: Aberdeenshire Licensing Board, Statement of Licensing Policy