Surge in bookings for holiday weekend rising 75% on Easter Sunday


Bookings for the Easter weekend are up by 40% compared to 2023 according to hospitality technology partner Zonal, with Easter Sunday itself up an impressive 75% compared to 2022, and nearly 50% from 2023.

But, it’s not just Easter Sunday experiencing a surge in bookings, reservations on Good Friday are up 32% on 2023, Saturday by 43% and Easter Monday up by 26%.

Tim Chapman, Chief Commercial Officer, Zonal, said, “Our insights shows that Easter weekend continues to be an important calendar occasion for the hospitality industry. This year, Easter falls at the end of the month around payday which could provide one explanation for the rise in bookings.”

The findings follow Zonal’s most recent GO Technology report in partnership with UKHospitality which also underlined the important role hospitality plays during key calendar moments, with 44% of Britons wanting to spend time in hospitality venues to celebrate a special occasion.


Category: Bar & Pub, News, Restaurant
Tags: bookings surge, Easter weekend, Tim Chapman, Zonal