May the force be with Pizza Geeks as they donate 1,000 Pizzas


Pizza Geeks in Edinburgh are donating 1000 pizzas to people in need through their  ‘Pizza for the People’ initiative on May 4th to celebrate “Star Wars day” – so named because of the famous Jedi benediction, “May the Force be with you” –  a celebration that Pizza Geeks have honoured since 2019.

The team at Pizza Geeks, which have three locations throughout the city, will mark the occasion by working with The Royal Infirmary and The Western General Hospital to thank key workers, and will team up with Street Soccer Edinburgh, who support disadvantaged groups through soccer. Some of their suppliers have also donated product towards the cause, including Lynas Food Service & Carnevale. They are aiming to deliver 1000 pizzas between 11am and 2pm as they work towards their goal of giving away 15k pizzas throughout 2024.

Patrick Ward, Founder of Pizza Geeks said, “Choosing Star Wars Day for this was a no-brainer as it is a day that embodies the Force of community and goodwill. We really look forward to May 4th, its Star Wars Day so who wouldn’t? it’s good fun and we’re always grateful to be in the position to be able to give back to our community. 1000 pizzas can be a bit of a logistical challenge, but the team really rally around it and are all set and ready for some serious pizza making!

“To be honest our biggest challenge is finding more charities and organisations to partner with. We’re eager to connect with those who share our vision of community helping each other out, so if you know of any groups, charities or even people who go above and beyond for those around them – send them our way. A huge thank you goes out to all of our customers; it’s your support that makes it possible for us to do things like this.”


Category: News, Restaurant
Tags: Patrick Ward, Pizza Geeks, Star Wars day