Foster’s, Heineken’s flagship standard lager, celebrates its 125th anniversary this year and to commemorate the occasion a new ad has aired on TV. Called ‘Anticipation’. It recreates the moment in Melbourne in 1888 when Ralph and William Foster first introduced the people of Australia to a beer specially brewed for true refreshment. The ad opens in the searing heat of an Australian summer, with William and Ralph Foster standing alongside the local mayor as they wait nervously hoping to impress him with a refreshing pint of Foster’s. The tension mounts as the mayor slowly raises the glass of Foster’s to his lips and the crowd falls silent as they wait, gripped in the moment, for the mayor’s verdict. As the glass touches the mayor’s lips he savours the refreshment enthusiastically and excitedly proclaims the new lager as a ‘little ripper!”
The ad closes with a shot of refreshing pint of Foster’s underscored by the strap line ‘Foster’s. Good Call since 1888’.
Foster’s Celebrates 1888!
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