Sue Says – June 2017

Sue Says September

There’s definitely sea change happening when it comes to people moving on… Ken, Kenny, Kenneth McGown of Star Pubs & Bars, after 22 years with Heineken is retiring… or at least retiring from Heineken. He tells me he is looking forward to having an extended break, but that he will be looking for something new after that. Ken and I bonded over dogs in pubs’, maybe there’s a role for him at Dugs ‘n Pubs. Only joking Ken!

Talking of Dog friendly pubs – we put a social media post up inviting people to put themselves and their dogs forward as judges for this category. As we went to press it had been seen by 25,000 people and I have more pictures of dogs with their owners than I can cope with… here are just a few…

Sue Says June

Sue Says June

Sue Says June

Still on the subject of our awards I am delighted to reveal that William Grant & Sons are the new hosts for the Bar Apprentice. After 9 years with Maxxium apprentices will have some fresh brands to learn about and no doubt will learn some new skills too. This new apprentice programme will not just be centred around bar experiences but the youngsters will also be learning from some of the most experienced brand ambassadors and drinks experts in the field. We have all the details in the next issue. But if you have someone that you would like to put forward email me at

A Dundee restaurant offered free food to youngsters who could prove they have registered to vote in the upcoming general election. Wee Mexico on the Nethergate, gave away a free taco to anyone aged between 18 and 24 who showed proof of registration, in order to encourage youngsters to vote. A novel promotion indeed.

Mind you a club promoter from Glasgow was on a sticky wicket when he was caught hosting a tour named ‘Yer Da Sells Avon’. Paul Zitkus, received a letter from Alison Price, the Head of Marketing for Avon asking him to desist. However she did suggest that they be happy to consider him as an Avon Representative!

McEwan’s has now been sold to Marstons. We knew something was up when Charles Wells dropped McEwan’s IPA out of the blue. Now we know why. It’s still a very popular ale in the East and North East of Scotland. But I can remember when McEwan’s Lager was one of the top two selling brands in Scotland and it had some iconic advertising. Changed days indeed!

Category: Sue Says
Tags: Charles Wells, Maxxium, mcewan's, McEwan’s IPA, Susan Young, Wee Mexico, William Grant & Sons