CAMRA launches licensee survey


CAMRA (the Campaign for Real Ale) is seeking opinions from Scottish licensees on consumer’s buying habits and attitudes to beer and ales, after launching a survey to support its Revitalisation Project.

The survey will inform CAMRA’s response to changes affecting the UK beer and pub industry, as well as the organisation’s wider aims and future goals.

A spokesperson for CAMRA said, “It’s vital that CAMRA (the Campaign for Real Ale) gets the views of those who work in the trade to help it decide on its future direction and purpose as part of the Revitalisation Project.

“The rise of “craft” beer and a resurgence of interest in beer in recent years, plus renewed threats to pubs, have challenged CAMRA to review if it is best positioned to represent its members in the future.”

They continued, “In undergoing this process, we recognise that CAMRA does not operate in a bubble and we are therefore committed to engaging with external stakeholders – particularly brewers and publicans. We want to hear their experiences, opinions and market insight.

“So far our testing of members’ views has told us that support for real ale/cask-conditioned beer and consumer representation should remain at the core of CAMRA’s purpose. We are now seeking to establish how and to what extent we can build on these strengths.”

Licensees can complete the survey here by midnight on Monday 7 November.

CAMRA is the not-for-profit independent voice of real ale drinkers and pub goers and has 183,000 members across the UK.

Category: Coronavirus, News
Tags: Beer, Camra, CAMRA Revitalisation Project, licensee survey