Coronavirus: The Ben launches new lifeline fund while appealing for more donations

Stephen McGowan PR 300dpi

The Ben has launched a new lifeline fund in response to coronavirus. It has also stopped visits to beneficiaries for health and safety reasons and postponed fundraising activities, but is still appealing for donations.  The licensed trade charity also wants to reassure existing beneficiaries that support will continue, with pension payments due in May met in full, while stressing that special measures are being put in place to self-isolate or socially distance residents living on the Ben estate in Pitlochry.

The Ben president Stephen McGowan (pictured) said, “We have, of course, seen a spike in requests for assistance. In order to try and respond to this robustly we are launching a special ‘lifeline’ fund to react to this unprecedented crisis. We have updated our website with a new request for assistance form.

“My message today is this: If you were due to attend a Ben event or support a particular initiative over the coming months we would please ask that you consider making an equivalent donation – this will go straight to the lifeline fund.

“Events are changing at such a rapid pace our charity will, like the rest of society, have to react on an ongoing basis. However, I wish to reassure the trade that our resolve has redoubled. The Ben is your charity, and the Ben abides. We will get through this.”

You can access the lifeline fund here:




Category: Coronavirus, Editors' Picks, News