Ingliston Country Club in Bishopton have teamed up with Tan&ns Wine Importers – run by Luigi Tana and restaurateur Nico Simeone – to offer a selection of rare premium wines.
Luigi, a wine producer and importer with over twenty years in the business and with his own vineyard in Italy, founded the company after lockdown in 2021. He said, “As we grew the business we wanted to go for the least expected customer and put a package together with fridges, self support, updates, new vintages, wine dinners, and staff training and we found Ingliston Country Club to be the epicentre of that. I’ve always thought of the Bishopton venue as a five star establishment, and it is the perfect fit for our quality wines.
“We have two words for wine in the business. One is ‘Wine’ made by a winery, made by a team, and harvested and bottled on site with a label, story, and heritage – and the other word Is ‘Juice’ – which is put into tankers and usually bottled somewhere like Bristol or Durham. You’d be amazed at how much ‘Juice’ is sold in the UK.
“We provide Ingliston Country Club with ‘Wine’ and educate them to educate their clients to be more adventurous. They are a wonderful family run independent operation, like the majority of our suppliers.”
Ingliston Country Club’s founder and chairman Paul Fraser added, “We have tried many different wine importers over the years and they have served us well.
We have always been synonymous with high quality produce at Ingliston but this takes things to a new level.”