New App to support learning during lockdown launched by HIT Scotland


Workers and students in hospitality can now utilise a new free learning App from HIT Scotland which aims to help with their self-development during lockdown.

The App has been developed by HIT, and it utilises the technology from HIT sponsor Criton and its aim is to support individuals motivated to update their skills and knowledge at a time when options to learn in the workplace, or at college, have been removed or significantly reduced.

The app can be downloaded from the Criton store, to a mobile, and it contains a collection of self-development links and activities on inspirational topics from people management to meditation.  The plan is that the content will be updated regularly with material provided from members of the hospitality sector.

HIT Chief Executive, David Cochrane, said, “In these different and challenging times when we would normally be getting the industry together at our events around the country, plus delivering scholarships locally, nationally and internationally, we all find ourselves in a unique situation which is having a major impact on our industry globally.

“The App will allow our sector to access self-development tools and information that enable those who wish to do so to learn during lockdown.

“As with all HIT initiatives, this project has been possible thanks to the efforts of the industry and its support organisations working together for the benefit and advancement of our sector.  It is heartening to see this generosity of spirit continuing in such challenging times.”

Category: Coronavirus, Editors' Picks, News
Tags: app, Criton, David Cochrane, HIT Scotland, hospitality, SCOTLAND